The knowledge management policy of the Mastrave project is to directly update relevant documentation within source codes in the form of semantically enhanced structured comments. This is why the sources show a wide share of comments.
In the case of the Mastrave functions written in GNU Octave/MATLAB language, more than 50% of all source code lines are comments. You can easily access the documentation of a certain function (i.e. mdeal.m or check_is.m) from within a GNU Octave/MATLAB interpreter, by typing:
help mdeal help check_is
The source code documentation of these Mastrave functions follows a set of semantic rules which constitute part of the Mastrave coding standard. Therefore, it is possible to automatically generate updated documentation for each function/module by directly analyzing its source code. This is done after every single commit, so that the documentation is persistently up to date.
The semantic source code comments of Mastrave enable generating detailed, fine-grained documentation which is usually richer than the one which can be obtained with generic documentation generators, and approximates the richness of other semantic approaches such as literate programming.